Khulisa Director Contributes to Publication on Modern Slavery
Margie Roper, Khulisa’s Director for Education and Development, co-authored a chapter in The Palgrave Handbook on Modern Slavery, recently published as an eBook with Springer Nature. The handbook “takes a comprehensive approach to studying and understanding modern slavery, particularly forced...
Khulisa Awarded the Ex-Post Evaluation of the Near East Regional Democracy (NERD) Internet Freedom Initiatives Enabling Democracy
Khulisa was awarded the Ex-Post Evaluation (an evaluation carried out after the completion of a project) of the Internet Freedom (IF) Initiative Enabling Democracy. The initiative is part of the Near East Regional Democracy (NERD) Program, which seeks to: a) promote human rights...
Khulisa Awarded the Evaluation of Central America Regional Security Initiative (CARSI) Small Grants Program (SGP)
Recently, Khulisa was awarded the Evaluation of Central America Regional Security Initiative (CARSI) Small Grants Program (SGP) for the fiscal years (FY) 2017 to 2022. The program was funded by the U.S. Department of State (DOS), the Western Hemisphere Affairs (WHA)...
Khulisa Awarded Ex-Post Evaluation of the Civil Society and Large-Scale Infrastructure Projects in Sri Lanka
Khulisa was recently awarded the Ex-Post Evaluation (an evaluation carried out after the completion of a project) of Civil Society and Large-Scale Infrastructure Projects in Sri Lanka. The project – implemented by the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) and...
Khulisa Team Conducts Baseline Analysis for the United States Strategy to Prevent Conflict and Promote Stability (SPCPS) in Coastal West Africa
USAID/West Africa has assigned Khulisa to conduct the Baseline Analysis for the United States Strategy to Prevent Conflict and Promote Stability (SPCPS) in Coastal West Africa. Implemented by Peace through Evaluation, Learning, and Adaptation Activity II (PELA II), this initiative...
It’s Human Trafficking Awareness Week in South Africa
This year, South Africa recognizes Human Trafficking Awareness Week from September 30th through October 7th. During this week, the Khulisa team is reflecting on our past efforts to address trafficking in persons (TIP) in South Africa and our continued commitment...
Khulisa Awarded the Ex-Post Evaluation of the Strategies to Reduce Mercury Usage in Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM)
Khulisa was recently awarded the Ex-Post Evaluation of the Strategies to Reduce Mercury Usage in Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM). The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the approach, efficacy, and sustainability of four projects implemented by the...
Khulisa Mourns the Passing of Former Khulisa Associate Peter Njaramba
Khulisa is greatly saddened by the passing of Peter Njaramba, who originally joined Khulisa in 2004 and served in a number of roles at the company until 2016. Peter passed away in Nairobi on August 27, 2024.Peter, who was born...
Register for SAMEA’s 9th Biennial Conference
The biennial South African Monitoring and Evaluation (SAMEA) Conference returns to Johannesburg from October 7-11, 2024, offering enriched M&E knowledge, experience, and networking opportunities. Khulisa evaluators Thembi Mahlangu and Sithenjisiwe Dube, led by Khulisa Director of Education and Development Margie...