As part of the Scaling Up Nutrition Learning and Evaluation (SUN LE) project, Khulisa and its partners support Zambia’s National Food and Nutrition Commission (NFNC) to achieve several important objectives, including:
1) improving learning and adaptive management around the SUN program; and
2) facilitating individual and organizational capacity to use SUN LE data.
Under these objectives, SUN LE supports the implementation of district learning and dissemination workshops designed to enable local districts in Zambia to use current nutrition-related data to make important program decisions. Specific topics covered in the district workshops include: sector-specific pause and reflection sessions, presentations on findings from recent studies, and data interpretation and action planning.

In mid-November, SUN LE and NFNC oriented national-level government officials and SUN stakeholders to implement the 2023 district workshops. A total of 10 officers were trained, who in-turn oriented provincial-level officers, who then joined as co-facilitators of the district workshops. Involving national- and provincial-level officers in the district workshops facilitates data use in decision-making at all levels of the Zambian government.
These district workshops and the training of national- and provincial-level officials to facilitate them are a great example of Khulisa’s capacity-building work. To learn more about NFNC and the SUN LE program, visit