
Home » News & Articles » #EvalTuesdayTips

#EvalTuesdayTips, published every Tuesday, are quick, useful tips from Khulisa evaluators covering a range of topics related to monitoring, evaluation, research, and learning (MERL).

#EvalTuesdayTip: Learn About Khulisa’s Core Expertise

Khulisa’s recently launched website includes an expanded “Our Work” section with descriptions of our core expertise broken down by service and sector. Khulisa’s work falls under six core service areas – Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, Learning, Data Quality Assurance, and MERL Capacity...

#EvalTuesdayTip: SAMEA 2024

South African Monitoring and Evaluation Association’s (SAMEA’s) 9th Biennial Conference, takes place from October 7th to 11th at the Birchwood Hotel in Johannesburg. The theme of this year’s conference, “Vuca-Vuka! Catalysing Change through Monitoring and Evaluation”, will highlight the necessity...