
Read Khulisa directors’ opinion, thoughts and evaluation tips on our monthly blog, The Khulisa Way.

Khulisa Launches Redesigned Website

The Khulisa team has unveiled a freshly redesigned website at We’re very excited about our new site, which provides a much-improved user experience and several new features highlighting Khulisa’s work in the field of monitoring, evaluation, research, and learning...

Evaluating Resilience in South Africa During COVID-19

In 2022, the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) contracted Khulisa to provide monitoring and evaluation (M&E) services for Employment and Skills for Development (E4D) – a program that supports public- and private-sector cooperation to bring people into jobs and improve employment...

Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) vs Regression Analysis

Written by Mary Pat Selvaggio, Mathews Onyango, and Patricia Sakala Khulisa’s Scaling Up Nutrition Learning and Evaluation (SUN LE) project recently completed a large, population-based survey of Zambia’s nutrition program that used both Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) and Regression Analysis methods...

Early Grade Reading and Literacy: Stories From Khulisa Staff 

Khulisa, in partnership with the South African Department of Basic Education and the U.S. government, recently released a report establishing early grade reading (EGR) benchmarks in Tshivenḓa, one of South Africa’s 11 official languages. Tshivenḓa is the third South African...