June 1, 2022
Two Khulisa staff members, Kris Eale and Mary Pay Selvaggio, two chapters: Chapter 2: “Identification of stakeholders in Evaluation” and Chapter 14 “Stakeholder Engagement in Evaluation” in a new academic manual on evaluation, launched on May 30th at gLOCAL 2022.
The manual, L’Évaluation en Contexte de Développement, was published by the University of Public Administration (ENAP) in Ontario, Canada. The manual provides evaluation guidance based on:
· The practical experience of evaluation practitioners;
· Academia;
· The Programme international de formation en évaluation du développement (International Training Program in Development Evaluation, or PIFED); and
· The fields of international cooperation and public administrations of African countries, Haiti, Europe, and North America.
L’Évaluation en Contexte de Développement contributes to global evaluation capacity-building and advances the evaluation culture at the local level. The manual is written entirely in French and is available at: https://www.cantookboutique.com/fr/products/l-evaluation-en-contexte-de-developpement.