gLOCAL Evaluation Week, started in 2019, is an annual dedicated week for M&E knowledge and experience sharing events around the globe. The theme of gLOCAL 2022, which takes place from May 30th to June 3rd, is “EvalEvolve: How innovations are transforming M&E”.

Khulisa has been strongly involved with gLOCAL since its inception and 2022 is no exception. On Thursday, June 2, four of our leading evaluators will present an interactive lecture titled, “How a great quality plan can transform your inclusive evaluation practices”. The lecture will take place via Zoom from 10:00 to 11:30 SAST. Register here
Quality Assurance and Surveillance Plans (QASP) are important tools that help ensure project quality and build in inclusivity. But designing a QASP is often seen as a bit of a drag. Khulisa will share tips, tricks, and processes to build a QASP, and by the end of the lecture participants will have a way forward to designing inclusive and effective evaluations that are of the highest quality. Participants will also walk away with a QASP template for future projects.
The lecture will feature Khulisa speakers Jennifer Bisgard and Margie Roper, and Khulisa moderators Tamar Boddé-Kekana and Zamo Thwala. This presentation is not to be missed: Register today!