Khulisa Management Services will be presenting during the annual gLOCAL week.

Home » Khulisa Management Services will be presenting during the annual gLOCAL week.

Every year, the Global Evaluation Institute (GEI) invites partners to host webinars and meetings on local evaluation issues. The Khulisa team is presenting a webinar under the topic ‘The Science Behind Data Collection: How to choose the best tools and approach to collect data considering the culture, context and existing partnerships.’ Join our webinar taking place on Wednesday the 31st of May 14h00 – 16h00 (GMT+2).

This webinar will discuss how to design data collection efforts through five considerations: the budget, respondents and accessibility, the kind of data being collected, challenges to data collection and how the data will be used. The webinar will discuss these considerations as well as specific data collection tools such as Kobo Toolbox, Tangerine, and Computer Assisted Telephonic Interview (CATI), and Artificial Intelligence in M&E. The presentations will outline how these tools are important for the practice and institutionalization of M&E: Culture, Context and Collaboration.

Presenters are Margaret Roper, Jesse Webb, Thembi Mahlangu and Tamar Boddé-Kekana.

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