Khulisa Evaluates Programs to Protect Refugee Youth Uganda
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Khulisa Evaluates Programs to Protect Refugee Youth Uganda
A Khulisa team member interviews a refugee youth in Uganda
The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM) contracted Khulisa to evaluate PRM-funded programs to support the Protection of Urban Refugee Youths (15-24 years old) in African cities. This evaluation has two case studies: one in Egypt and one in Uganda.Martha Muco and Jesse Webb have spent two weeks completing the data collection with international and local PRM partners in Kampala, Uganda.
The Khulisa PRM team, with Jesse Webb and Martha Muco (third and fourth from the left)
In Kampala, Khulisa has recently conducted three key informant interviews with an international NGO and 11 interviews with three local NGOs. The team has conducted 31 in-person interviews and 180 intercept interviews with refugee youths. The data collection for the PRM evaluation was finalized on April 8th, 2022.