It’s hard to believe, but this year is already drawing to a close. We’d like to wish you a happy holiday season and all the best for the new year. Thank you for following along on our 2022 evaluation journey!

We’ve published an #EvalTuesdayTip every week of 2022 so far. Here are a few of our favorite and most frequently read tips:
- What is an evaluator? (and how to explain it to clients): A fun review of Eva the Evaluator, a book by Roger Miranda and Birgit Stadler.
- Avoiding jargon in data viz: This installment in our four-part series on data visualization myths made a case for avoiding overly complicated language when presenting data findings.
- Resources for young and emerging evaluators: This post provides tips for young and emerging evaluators seeking to move forward in their field.
- How to avoid scope creep, parts one and two: In this two-part series, we shared some of our top tips for avoiding scope creep in an evaluation, including the importance of inception reports and evaluability assessments.
We’ll finish off 2022 with a couple of fun pictures from our recent staff photoshoot. See you next year!