Exactly a year ago, we published an #EvalTuesdayTip about using Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) as an analytical method. We’re now pleased to announce that we completed a QCA as part of the Scaling Up Nutrition Learning and Evaluation (SUN LE) project in Zambia, and the results have been published in the SUN LE 2022 Midline Survey Report.

The SUN LE 2022 midline survey, a survey of 7,500 households in 30 districts across Zambia, showed increased childhood stunting (an outcome related to poor nutrition) in several parts of the country between 2019 and 2022. QCA is an effective method for identifying causal links and explaining the combination of conditions that could explain a change – such as increased childhood stunting. Using QCA, the SUN LE team identified five factors that are associated with the changes in stunting prevalence at district level.
Keep an eye on Khulisa’s social media channels for an upcoming blog post about SUN LE’s QCA and what the results of the analysis show. In the meantime, the Midline Survey Report is available on the USAID Development Experience Clearinghouse. A detailed discussion of the QCA appears on page 75 of the report.