This week we published a blog post about a recent visit that Khulisa evaluators Margie Roper and Tamar Boddé-Kakana made to Brazil. Tamar and Margie, who are based in South Africa, went to Brazil to conduct work on evaluations for the Schools2030 and the Anglo American Ambassadors for Good programs. Their visit to Brazil underscored the importance of understanding the local context in conducting an effective evaluation.

During the trip, Margie and Tamar spent a lot of time getting to know the communities in the areas where they worked, staying in local guesthouses and eating local food. They also worked closely with a Brazilian researcher, Louisa Rita Cardosa, who was essential is both conducting the work and helping Margie and Tamar to understand specific local contexts.
For more details on Khulisa’s work in Brazil and photos from Margie and Tamar’s trip, read the full blog post.