Mary Pat Selvaggio, Director of Health and Research, became Khulisa’s fourth employee nearly three decades ago. In honor of Khulisa’s 30th birthday – the company officially opened its doors on October 1st, 1993 – we asked Mary Pat for an #EvalTuesdayTip for other evaluators.

The tip Mary Pat provides is a simple one – a tip for those awkward times when an evaluation yields results that a client isn’t expecting.
“Delivering bad evaluation results can be tough. It requires a delicate balance between honesty, transparency, and providing insights into how to turn setbacks into opportunities for success,” Mary Pat says. “As evaluation professionals, we must remember that our work can facilitate improvements even when it’s hard for our clients to hear.”
Progress often involves overcoming obstacles, and evaluation is one of the best ways for a program to identify and surmount the obstacles it faces. At Khulisa, we are incredibly proud of the work we’ve done over the past 30 years to accurately measure progress. We look forward to continuing that work – delivering good news, bad news, and everything in between – in the decades to come.