Our final #EvalTuesdayTip of 2023 is not really a tip, because let’s face it: At this point in the year, most of our brains are ready to switch off. Instead we want to highlight an article in the Washington Post with some fun data visualization on holiday songs.
Have you ever wondered why the same Christmas songs play – on the radio, at holiday parties, and inside our own heads – year after year after year? According to an analysis of Spotify song streams at Christmastime, music lovers have an affinity for certain holiday lyric themes. We’re also suckers for nostalgia.

“Songs that make the top of the list tend to have certain similarities,” the article authors, Bonnie Berkowitz, Chris Alcantara and Shelly Tan, write. “They usually have short, repetitive lyrics and standard holiday themes. They don’t even really have to make a lot of sense.” The article notes that only three of the most popular current holiday songs were released in the 21s century, and all three are covers of much older songs.

As you enjoy your holiday music this year, whether it be classical, jazz, or 21st-century pop, spare a thought for the data. We’ll be back with more #EvalTuesdayTips in the new year.