#EvalTuesdayTip: Download These Guidelines for Designing a Great Conference Poster

Home » #EvalTuesdayTip: Download These Guidelines for Designing a Great Conference Poster

Now is the time of year when evaluators around the world are preparing presentations for evaluation conferences later in the year. This means it’s also the time of year when evaluators are designing conference posters. In 2022, Khulisa evaluator Tamar Boddé-Kekana wrote a three-part series of #EvalTuesdayTips (see here, here, and here) about how to design an effective conference poster.

We’d also like to share the “Potent Presentations” section from the American Evaluation Association’s (AEA’s) website, which includes numerous helpful resources for creating presentations and posters. Check out the Guidelines for Posters, by data visualization guru Stephanie Evergreen, which clearly lays out guidelines and tips for AEA conference posters.

While these particular guidelines were designed specifically for AEA, they are useful to keep in mind when designing any conference poster. Happy conferencing!

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