Today is Valentine’s Day, a holiday with which many of us have a love-hate relationship (pardon the pun). We know that not everyone likes to participate in the Valentine’s hype. But if you’ve got an evaluator or statistician in your life, Valentine’s fan or not, we’ve got a gift that they’re guaranteed to love: a data nerd Valentine’s Day card by data viz maven Stephanie Evergreen.

Stephanie, a frequent source of inspiration for our #EvalTuesdayTips, has created a series of Valentines with offbeat messages specifically for data nerds, like: “You make me feel statistically significant” and “I’ve been visualizing about you all day”. The cards are available on Zazzle, along with cards for Christmas, Thanksgiving, and other special occasions, and can be ordered in hard copy or as instant electronic downloads.
It’s not too late to make your data nerd feel special on Valentine’s Day! Order one of Stephanie’s cards before it’s too late.