The team at Khulisa has been publishing #EvalTuesdayTips – quick tips from the field of evaluation – every Tuesday since 2017. We have published a total of 320 tips covering all sorts of topics, such as monitoring and evaluation, data visualization, research, learning, conferences, and everything else related to Khulisa’s work.
Around this time last year, we published an #EvalTuesdayTip about using word clouds for data visualization. According to Better Evaluation, word clouds are “graphical representations of word frequency that give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in a source text.”
As this year winds to a close, we thought it would be fun to create a word cloud illustrating all the titles of our #EvalTuesdayTips over the years. The #EvalTuesdayTip word cloud is a great illustration of the many topics we’ve touched upon in this popular weekly feature.

Evaluation, unsurprisingly, is the most commonly used word in our #EvalTuesdayTip titles, followed by dataviz, tools, data collection, data, and conference. Covid makes numerous appearances, along with MERL, feminist evaluation, measurement, gender, bias, design, and communication. The list goes on and on, depending on how sharp your eyes are. A total of 241 words are represented in the word cloud.
To read up on any or all of the topics in our word cloud, visit our #EvalTuesdayTips homepage and type the term into the search bar. Happy reading!