#EvalTuesdayTip: DIY flowcharts and process diagrams
Khulisa recently started to use Draw.io to diagram clients’ Theory of Change. This open-source application allows you to make fabulous flowcharts, process diagrams and organization
Khulisa recently started to use Draw.io to diagram clients’ Theory of Change. This open-source application allows you to make fabulous flowcharts, process diagrams and organization
Khulisa finds the generic “Stallings Classroom Snapshot Instrument” useful for classroom observation in education evaluations. It was developed by the World Bank and is an
Khulisa uses this Communications Monitoring, Evaluating & Learning (MEL) Toolkit to improve our communication practices and monitoring use and quality for several assignments.
Visualizing statistically significant p-values is often tricky. Khulisa recommends these tips these tips by Ann K. Emery on communicating statistical significance to non-technical audiences.
Khulisa recently started to use the excellent MEASURE Evaluation Gender and M&E toolkit funded by USAID. If you need inspiration and selling points on the importance
Khulisa is often asked to evaluate advocacy or other activities that are intended to change attitudes or behaviour. This free resource summarizes Methodologies for measuring
Khulisa recommends this free toolkit from the Spark Policy for Institute developmental evaluations.
Khulisa finds Acumen’s Lean Data approach useful in cases where time constraints and data volumes affect data collection and analysis. Acumen’s website has a variety
Khulisa is using E-valuate app which usefully provides (and combines) sample size calculator, power calculator and effect size calculator.
To visualize data geographically, Khulisa often uses SocialCops’ free interactive mapping tool: https://viz.socialcops.com/. It allows you to upload your data, choose a design palette and