Khulisa Awarded the Ex-Post Evaluation of the Strategies to Reduce Mercury Usage in Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) 

Home » Khulisa Awarded the Ex-Post Evaluation of the Strategies to Reduce Mercury Usage in Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM) 

Khulisa was recently awarded the Ex-Post Evaluation of the Strategies to Reduce Mercury Usage in Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM). The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the approach, efficacy, and sustainability of four projects implemented by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES) Office of Environmental Quality’s (ENV) Mercury Program, and to provide recommendations for future mercury reduction programs. The primary anticipated audiences for the evaluation include OES/ENV, implementing partners, and secondary audiences to be decided in conjunction with OES/ENV. 

The OES/ENV Mercury Program focuses on the two largest sources of mercury pollution in the world: ASGM and emissions from coal combustion. Mercury-based ASGM plays an important role in the local economies of countries with significant amounts of gold; therefore, measures to reduce mercury pollution can significantly impact these countries’ livelihoods. In some cases, the transition to low-polluting alternatives may create a negative impact on communities that rely on ASGM as their primary source of income, while in many others, they offset losses and improve employment, health, and the environment.  

The four projects that will be evaluated include: 

  • Reduce Mercury use in Mali (September 2020 – September 2024) implemented by PACT; 
  • ASGM Reducing Mercury in Indonesia (September 2018 – September 2023) implemented by Biodiversity Research Institute; 
  • Reducing Mercury ASGM in Colombia (September 2018 – June 2023) implemented by Pure Earth; and  
  • The Mercury Free Future-Sustainable Mines Management Model for ASGM in Afro-Colombian Communities in the Choco, Colombia (September 2020 – September 2024) implemented by World Wildlife.