#EvalTuesdayTip: Creating a Fun, Interactive Way to Evaluate a Global Conference

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As the global evaluation partner for Schools2030, a 10-year learning improvement program working with 1,000 schools in 10 countries, Khulisa is responsible for evaluating the Schools2030 annual Global Forum. The 2024 Global Forum took place last month in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. 

There were several ways that Global Forum participants could participate in the evaluation, including a daily poll on the Global Forum app and a survey sent out to participants after  the event. But the Khulisa team also wanted to include a more fun, inclusive, interactive way for Global Forum participants to share their feedback, so they developed a jigsaw puzzle evaluation game. 

The puzzle includes six interlinking questions/activities, which small groups worked together to fill out during breakaway sessions. Questions included: “In five words or less: How has the Schools2030 Global Forum influenced climate resilience, equity and quality education for all?” and “How much did the Global Forum contribute to amplifying teacher leadership and climate resilience?” There were also fun activities, like “Draw your ideal climate resilient learning space!” and a world map allowing participants to draw lines between the different countries involved in dialogue during the Forum. 

The jigsaw puzzle happened right before the Forum’s closing ceremony – a good time to energize participants after three long days of conference sessions. Khulisa then used the feedback collected from the jigsaw puzzles to create word clouds, sentiment analysis, ratings, and visual analysis on the drawings of the environment. 

Learn more about Khulisa’s work on Schools2030. 

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