Safety and Security Sector Education and Training Authority (SASSETA) – Systems Improvement and Culture Change Project

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Safety and Security Sector Education and Training Authority (SASSETA) – Systems Improvement and Culture Change Project


The Safety and Security Sector Education and Training Authority (SASSETA) is one of 21 sector education and training authorities (SETAs) in the South African government responsible for skills development and implementation. SASSETA specifically focuses on developing and implementing skills within South Africa’s safety and security sector.

The South African Government Technical Advisory Centre (GTAC) contracted Khulisa to support SASSETA with mentoring, leadership/team coaching, systems improvement, and culture change services to support SASSETA’s turnaround strategy toward becoming a performance-driven organization.


Khulisa’s support focused on improvements in three organizational areas:

  • Human resource management (HRM);
  •  Supply chain management (SCM), including related internal audit and control processes and contract management of discretionary grand-funded projects; and

  • Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) for performance management.

After assessing SASSETA’s operational systems and organizational culture, Khulisa designed and executed a plan for individual coaching of senior SASSETA leadership and group coaching of three SASSETA teams to improve management systems and processes in the three areas indicated above. The overall approach was to support HR and SCM staff to drive their own capacity-strengthening, in order to build commitment to improvements at individual and organizational levels.


As a result of Khulisa’s support, SSASETA managers successfully:

  • Updated and produced several policy documents and standard operating procedures;
  • Developed new and amended tools for M&E, SCM, and performance management;
  • Institutionalized selected management processes, such as using evidence for performance management and for quarterly reporting; and
  • Addressed and reduced Auditor General findings.

Monitoring, Capacity Strengthening
Democracy & Governance
South Africa