Agriculture & Economic Growth

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Agriculture & Economic Growth

Khulisa Management Services has provided a wide range of M&E support to agriculture and economic growth projects focused on enhancing the livelihoods of smallholder farmers and promoting sustainable development across Africa and India.

Our work addresses key challenges in the agricultural sector, such as improving access to information, enhancing farming practices, and strengthening resilience. Khulisa’s projects have targeted the improvement of livestock health and management, recognizing the crucial role of animal husbandry in smallholder farming. We also focus on enhancing agricultural extension services, using innovative digital approaches like radio broadcasts to disseminate crucial farming information to remote areas. Our work extends to addressing food security issues, including efforts to control aflatoxins, which pose significant health risks and affect crop quality.

Additionally, Khulisa engages in projects that promote supplier diversity and support small and medium enterprises from disadvantaged backgrounds, contributing to broader economic growth and inclusion.  We have also supported savings groups and entrepreneurship initiatives, which provide vital financial resources for rural communities. These groups not only offer a platform for financial growth but also contribute to members’ overall economic stability and resilience during crises like the COVID-19 pandemic.

Overall, Khulisa’s activities aim to empower local farmers, strengthen agricultural value chains, and foster resilient, sustainable agricultural practices that can withstand economic and environmental challenges.

the grain elevator